This site's purpose is to help Carmel High School students study for the AP Music Theory Exam. Tests, resources, and supplementary materials will be posted here. Reference the master guide for the lesson plan, and the YouTube channel for helpful videos.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Day 4: General Musical Terms, part II (Assessment)
Question 1: Which articulation/ornament is displayed below?
A. mordent
B. trill
C. turn
D. marcato
Question 2: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following best describes what you heard?
Question 3: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following best describes what you heard?
Question 4: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following ornaments was employed at the phrase's end? (excerpt)
A. trill
B. inverse mordent
C. mordent
D. turn
Question 5: What is the difference between a slur and a tie?
Question 6: What is the difference between a trill and a +?
Question 7: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following stylistic terms best describes the cello theme? (excerpt)
A. Pesante
B. Marzial
C. Dolce
D. Furioso
Question 8: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following stylistic terms best describes the opening? (excerpt)
A. Con fuoco
B. Giocoso
C. Leggiero
D. Semplice
Explanations are included in some answers.
Answer 1: A Answer 2: B. The notes are very connected. Answer 3: D. Each note goes up, then back to the note, then down, and back to the note. So, this is a turn. Answer 4: C. The main melodic line at the end is scale degrees 3, 2, 1 (tonic). On 2, the violin flickers up to 3 and back down, making it a mordent. Answer 5: A slur connects two or more notes of different pitches. A tie connects two or more notes of the same pitch, often over measure lines. Answer 6: They mean the same thing. The + was used in the Baroque era. Answer 7: C; the music displays a sweet and mellow tone. It's not Pesante (A) because it's not heavy, nor is it a march (B), nor does it give a furious impression (D). Answer 8: A; the music is fast, exciting, and fiery. It's not humorous (B), nor light (C) (it's pretty accented and heavy), nor is it simple (D) (try playing it lol).
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