
This site's purpose is to help Carmel High School students study for the AP Music Theory Exam. Tests, resources, and supplementary materials will be posted here. Reference the master guide for the lesson plan, and the YouTube channel for helpful videos.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Day 8: Test

Question 1: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following stylistic terms best describes the music? (excerpt)

A. Maestoso
B. Religioso
C. Con dolore
D. Tranquillo

Question 2: Construct the F Major scale.

Question 3: Which of the following terms best describes the music? (excerpt)

A. Allegro
B. Grave
C. cresc.
D. fp

Question 4: Give an example of a compound triple meter.

Question 5: Listen to the piece linked here. Use this virtual piano to find out which key is being used.

Question 6: In the key of G Major, what note represents Fa?

Question 7: What is the relative minor of A Major?

Question 8: What is the interval depicted below?

Question 9: A is what scale degree in D Major?

Question 10: How many sharps does the key of E major have?

Question 11: Which of the three minor scales is being played?

Question 12: Put the following terms in order from slowest to fastest.

Question 13: What interval is being played?

Question 14: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following stylistic terms best describes the music? (excerpt)

A. Amoroso
B. Calando
C. Sostenuto
D. Deciso

Question 15: G# is what solfege syllable in B Major?

Question 16: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following was sounded?


Question 17: Which of the following terms best describes the music? (excerpt)

A. rallentando
B. Andante
C. dim.
D. pp

Question 18: Construct the D harmonic minor scale.

Question 19: Define L’istesso tempo.

Question 20: The saxophone solo begins on which scale degree? (excerpt)

Question 21: Which of the following terms best describes the music? (excerpt)

A. stringendo
B. Adagio
C. fp
D. cresc.

Question 22: How many flats does the key of Bb minor have?

Question 23: Identify the note name.

Question 24: The scale shown below is a

A. major scale
B. natural minor scale
C. harmonic minor scale
D. melodic minor scale

Question 25: Which rhythm is being played?


Question 26: The notes below are contained in which of the following pairs of scales?

A. Db major and F harmonic minor
B. Gb major and Bb natural minor
C. Eb major and Db major
D. Ab major and Bb harmonic minor

Question 27: Listen to the audio file below. Find the error in the natural minor scale.

Question 28: The scale shown below is a

A. major scale
B. natural minor scale
C. harmonic minor scale
D. melodic minor scale

Question 29: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following articulations/ornaments was employed in the middle of the phrase? (excerpt)

A. turn
B. trill
C. mordent
D. tenuto

Question 30: The key signature below is for

A. Cb Major
B. Eb Major
C. Gb Major
D. Db Major

Question 31: Describe the style marking “Cantabile.”

Question 32: The parallel major key to the minor key signature below is


Question 33: The key signature below is for

A. D minor
B. B minor
C. G major
D. E minor

Question 34: In the key of F# Major, what note represents the leading tone?

Question 35: Which articulation/ornament is displayed below?

A. staccatissimo/wedge
B. marcato
C. tenuto
D. mordent

Explanations are included in some answers.

Answer 1: A; the music is quite majestic and broad. It would be a stretch to describe it as religious, sad, or tranquil.
Answer 2: F, G, A, Bb, C, D, E, F
Answer 3: C; the music is neither relatively fast (A) nor very slow (B), nor is it loud then suddenly soft (D).
Answer 4: 9/2, 9/4, 9/8, and 9/16 are relatively common compound triple meters.
Answer 5: F Major
Answer 6: C
Answer 7: F# minor
Answer 8: Major 6th
Answer 9: Dominant
Answer 10: Four sharps
Answer 11: Harmonic minor scale
Answer 12: Grave, Lento, Andante, Moderato, Presto
Answer 13: Major 3rd
Answer 14: D; the music is decisive and deliberate. It is not tender (A), slowing (B), or sustained (C).
Answer 15: La
Answer 16: D (a descending major scale)
Answer 17: B; it is not slowing down (A), nor getting quieter (C), nor very quiet to begin with (D).
Answer 18: D, E, F, G, A, Bb, C#, D
Answer 19: The same tempo
Answer 20: The saxophone starts on the supertonic. You can figure this out using the starting lyrics as a reference. When Michael sings the word "you," the scale degrees fall from 3 to 2 and resolves to 1. The saxophone begins on 2 shortly after, or the supertonic.
Answer 21: C; the music is very loud then becomes very soft. It does not get faster (A), nor is it moderately slow (B) (it is very slow), nor does it gradually get louder (D).
Answer 22: Five
Answer 23: F
Answer 24: D; the third is flat, so it must be minor. The sixth and seventh are raised, though, so it's melodic minor.
Answer 25: B
Answer 26: A
Answer 27: The second note should be raised.
Answer 28: A; the third is major, so it must be major.
Answer 29: A
Answer 30: C
Answer 31: To be playing in a singing style.
Answer 32: A; the displayed key signature is Bb minor, so the parallel major is Bb major, which has two flats.
Answer 33: B
Answer 34: E# (NOT F). Even though they are enharmonic, we still need one of each letter in the scale.
Answer 35: B

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Day 7: The Minor Scales (Assessment)

Question 1: What is the minor pentachord?

Question 2: Which scale degrees on the natural minor scale should you lower/raise to make it a harmonic minor scale?

Question 3: Which scale degrees on the natural minor scale should you lower/raise to make it an ascending melodic minor scale?

Question 4: Construct all three G minor scales, as well as G minor's relative and parallel major scales.

Question 5: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following was sounded?


Question 6: Fill in the blanks in this table.

Question 7: Go to the site linked here. Try to get a 15/15 or better.

Explanations are included in some answers.

Answer 1: W H W W
Answer 2: You need to raise the seventh. For example, A natural minor (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A) becomes A, B, C, D, E, F, G#, A.
Answer 3: You need to raise the sixth and the seventh. For example, A natural minor (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, A) becomes A, B, C, D, E, F#, G#, A.
Answer 4: G natural minor: G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G. G harmonic minor: G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F#, G. G melodic minor: (ascending) G, A, Bb, C, D, E, F#, G, (descending) G, F, Eb, D, C, Bb, A, G.
Answer 5: B
Answer 6:

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Day 6: Key Signatures (Assessment)

For this assessment, simply go to the site linked here. Try to get at least a 19/20.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Day 5: The Major Scale (Assessment)

Questions 1-2: Label the piano using only sharps. Now, label it again using only flats.

Question 3: Lower/raise the notes to make this a chromatic scale (note that it's in bass clef and starts on A).

Questions 4-5: Find the errors (there may be more than one) in the scales.

Questions 6-7: Listen to the audio files below. Find the errors (there is only one each) in the scales.

Questions 8-9: Construct the Bb Major scale and the D Major scale.

Question 10: Listen to the song linked here. Use this virtual piano to find out which major scale is being used.

Question 11: Why is the W W H pattern called the Major Tetrachord when “tetra” means 4?

Explanations are included in some answers.

Answer 1:
Answer 2:
Answer 3:
Answer 4: In the key of F Major, the second to last note should be an E, not an E flat.
Answer 5: There are three issues in this scale (A flat Major). First, there is no C in the scale. Second, the B natural that's attempting to replace the C really needs to be a C natural. Lastly, the F flat needs to be F natural.
Answer 6: The fourth note should be lowered.
Answer 7: The third to last note should be raised.
Answer 8: Bb, C, D, Eb, F, G, A, Bb
Answer 9: D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#, D
Answer 10: The song is in the key of Gb/F# Major.
Answer 11: Think about it like this: when you fold a paper into 4 pieces, you make 3 creases. When you have 4 notes, there are 3 intervals in between them. So, it's called a tetrachord because it's made of 4 notes, not 4 intervals.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Day 4: General Musical Terms, part II (Assessment)

Question 1: Which articulation/ornament is displayed below?

A. mordent
B. trill
C. turn
D. marcato

Question 2: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following best describes what you heard?

Question 3: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following best describes what you heard?

Question 4: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following ornaments was employed at the phrase's end? (excerpt)

A. trill
B. inverse mordent
C. mordent
D. turn

Question 5: What is the difference between a slur and a tie?

Question 6: What is the difference between a trill and a +?

Question 7: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following stylistic terms best describes the cello theme? (excerpt)

A. Pesante
B. Marzial
C. Dolce
D. Furioso

Question 8: Listen to the audio file below. Which of the following stylistic terms best describes the opening? (excerpt)

A. Con fuoco
B. Giocoso
C. Leggiero
D. Semplice

Explanations are included in some answers.

Answer 1: A
Answer 2: B. The notes are very connected.
Answer 3: D. Each note goes up, then back to the note, then down, and back to the note. So, this is a turn.
Answer 4: C. The main melodic line at the end is scale degrees 3, 2, 1 (tonic). On 2, the violin flickers up to 3 and back down, making it a mordent.
Answer 5: A slur connects two or more notes of different pitches. A tie connects two or more notes of the same pitch, often over measure lines.
Answer 6: They mean the same thing. The + was used in the Baroque era.
Answer 7: C; the music displays a sweet and mellow tone. It's not Pesante (A) because it's not heavy, nor is it a march (B), nor does it give a furious impression (D).
Answer 8: A; the music is fast, exciting, and fiery. It's not humorous (B), nor light (C) (it's pretty accented and heavy), nor is it simple (D) (try playing it lol).