
This site's purpose is to help Carmel High School students study for the AP Music Theory Exam. Tests, resources, and supplementary materials will be posted here. Reference the master guide for the lesson plan, and the YouTube channel for helpful videos.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Day 14: Seventh Chords (Assessment)

Question 1: Write the seventh chord for each of the scale degrees in the E Major scale. Then, label the quality of that chord (M7, 7, m7, ø7, o7).

Question 2: Write the seventh chord for each of the scale degrees in the Bb minor scale. Then, label the quality of that chord (M7, 7, m7, ø7, o7).

Questions 3-10: Identify the chord on each beat. Note that the tonic is not always in the bass; all tonics have been circled. (excerpt)

Question 11: Get at least a 9 on this musictheory.net quiz (identifying seventh chords).

Question 12: Get at least a 20 on this musictheory.net quiz (identifying seventh chords aurally).

Explanations are included in some answers.

Answer 1:

Answer 2:

Answer 3: Gm
Answer 4: Gm
Answer 5: DM
Answer 6: Gm
Answer 7: DM
Answer 8: EbM
Answer 9: Ao
Answer 10: DM

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Day 13: Triads (Assessment)

Question 1: Write the triad for each of the scale degrees in the A Major scale. Then, label the quality of that triad (M, m, A, d).

Question 2: Write the triad for each of the scale degrees in the E minor scale. Then, label the quality of that triad (M, m, A, d).

Question 3: Get at least a 14 on this musictheory.net quiz (identifying triads).

Question 4: Get at least a 25 on this musictheory.net quiz (identifying triads aurally).

Explanations are included in some answers.

Answer 1:

Answer 2: